
関係代名詞 基本問題



問題(1) 日本語にあうように、(  )内の語を並べかえて英文をつくりましょう。文頭は大文字にしましょう。

( the book / is / she / in 1962 / wrote / this ).

This is the book / ( これは本です ) she wrote in 1962. ( 彼女が1962年に書いた )

( the book / is / she / in 1962 / wrote / interesting ).

The book / ( ) she wrote in 1962 / ( 彼女が1962年に書いた ) is interesting. ( おもしろいです )

問題(2) 例にならって、日本語にあうように、2つの文を1つの文にしましょう。
例 This is a book.
  I brought it from home.
→This is a book I brought from home.
※it をとる。

This is an apple.
I bought it yesterday.

This is an apple / ( これはリンゴです ) I bought yesterday. ( 私がきのう買った )

※it をとる。

The girl was Saki.
I met her yesterday.

The girl / ( 女の子 ) I met yesterday / ( 私がきのう会った ) was Saki. ( 咲でした )

※her をとる。

〈関係代名詞 主格(人)〉

問題(3) 日本語にあうように、2つの文を、関係代名詞 who を使った1つの文にしょう。

Kota is a boy.
He can speak English.

Kota is a boy ( 光太は少年です ) who can speak English. ( 英語を話すことができる )

The girl is Mary.
She is listening to the music.

The girl ( 女の子 ) who is listening to the music ( 音楽を聴いている ) is Mary. ( メアリーです )
The girl is Mary who is listening...はまちがい。やっちゃダメ。

My sister sent me a book.
She lives in New York.

My sister ( 私の姉 ) who lives in New York ( ニューヨークに住んでいる ) sent me a book. ( 私に本を送った )

〈関係代名詞 主格(もの)〉

問題(4) 日本語にあうように、2つの文を、関係代名詞 which を使った1つの文にしょう。

This is a bus.
It goes to the station.

This is a bus ( これはバスです ) which goes to the station. ( 駅へ行く )

I have a dog.
It can run fast.

I have a dog ( 私は犬を飼っています ) which can run fast. ( 速く走ることができる )

問題(5) 次の文の(  )内に、who または whicn のどちらか適するほうをいれよう。

He has a brother (     ) lives in London.

He has a brother ( 彼は兄弟がいます ) who lives in London. ( ロンドンに住んでいる )


This is a hospital (     ) was built by him.

This is a hospital ( これは病院です ) which was built by him. ( 彼によって建てられた )


〈関係代名詞 目的格、主格〉

問題(6) 日本語にあうように、2つの文を関係代名詞を使って1つの文にするとき、(  )内に適する語をいれよう。

This is a book.
I bought it yesterday.
This is a book (     ) (  ) (     ) yesterday.

This is a book ( これは本です ) which[that] I bought yesterday. ( 私がきのう買った )

She is the girl.
I saw her at the station.
She is the girl (    ) (  ) (    ) at the station.

She is the girl ( 彼女は女の子です ) that I saw at the station. ( 私が駅で会った )

問題(7) 日本語にあうように、2つの文を、関係代名詞 which や that を使った1つの文にしょう。

This is a picture.
My sister took it in Okinawa.

This is a picture ( これは写真です ) which[that] my sister took in Okinawa. ( 私の姉妹が沖縄でとった )
※it をとる。

The dog was big.
I saw it yesterday.

The dog ( ) which[that] I saw yesterday ( 私がきのう見た ) was big. ( 大きかった )
※it をとる。

Shei is the girl.
You want to see her.

She is the girl ( 彼女は女の子です ) that you want to see. ( あなたが会いたがっている )
※her をとる。

問題(8) 次の英文を訳してみよう。

The man that she wants to see may not come here.

THe man ( 男の人 ) that she wants to see ( 彼女が会いたがっている ) may not come here. ( ここには来ないかもしれない )


The great number of people who watched the game were excited.

The great number of people ( 非常に多くの人々 ) who watched the game ( その試合を見た ) were excited. ( 興奮した )


問題(9) 日本語にあうように、(  )内の語を並べかえて英文をつくりましょう。文頭は大文字にしましょう。

( is / is / a student / interested / Deepa / music / in / who ).

Deepa is a student ( ディーパは生徒です ) who is intrested in music. ( 音楽に興味がある )

( she / she / has to / has / a dog / take care of / which ).

She / has a dog ( 彼女は犬がいます ) which she has to take care of. ( 彼女が世話をしなければならない )

答え(中3 Unit6 基本問題)

(1)This is the book she wrote in 1962.
The book she wrote in 1962 is interesting.
(2)This is an apple I bought yesterday.
The girl I met yesterday was Saki.
(3)Kota is a boy who can speak English.
The girl who is listening to the music is Mary.
My sister who lives in New York sent me a book.
(4)This is a bus which goes to the station.
I have a dog which can run fast.
(6)which[that] I bought, that I saw
(7)This is a picture which[that] my sister took in Okinawa.
The dog which[that] I saw yesterday was big.
Saki is the girl that you want to see.
(9)Deepa is a student who is interested in music.
She has a dog which she has to take care of.

